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Everything You Need To Know About Adventist Baptism

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Adventist Baptisms consists of 4 things/steps

  1. A public display of devotion to Jesus Christ 
  2. The individual’s acceptance of Jesus into their heart
  3. Submersion of water 
  4. Community & Acceptance 

Everything else is just a technicality. But we will go into the depths of history, other religions, and the technicalities of the “Baptism” below… Buckle up!


What is the definition of Baptism?

Baptism is from the Greek word “Baptisma,” which means the immersion process, emergence, and submersion. 

The Christian Baptism involves accepting Christ’s sufferings, internment, and global salvation. It begins with a dunking into the water and ends with the emergence out of the water as a “rebirth”. 

Different religions have various understandings and employments of this presentation. Baptism is a representation of our association with Christ, the forgiveness of our transgressions, and the beginning of a new life in Christ. 

Some religious groups claim that Baptism achieves the washing of all transgression. Others look at Baptism as a sort of expulsion from malignant spirits. Still, others train that Baptism is a significant advancement of steadfastness in the follower’s life, yet just an acknowledgment of the salvation experience as of late practiced.

Adventist look at Baptism as a public display of what has changed in someone’s heart. 

Most of the books published by The Seventh-day Adventists are vague on the design of Baptism. Once in awhile, assertions show up, which could make the point that Adventists regard Baptism as fundamental to the forgiveness of sins. Other times its just a motion to go through.  

Adventists have acknowledged that salvation relies upon the grace of Christ. Material passed on by that church shows this trust in righteousness by sureness and conviction alone. Ellen G White.

Can you be baptized in a hot tub?

Yes! Any water will do. It’s about the symbolism not the location. Chlorine will not contaminate your public display of affection?

What age can you be baptized in Adventism?

On the young side, Adventists get baptized about age 13. You can be baptized up until the day you die. It is about recognizing the commitment you are making.

Do Adventists do infant baptisms?

No, Adventists believe that you must understand the commitment you are making. Babies are not able to do this.

Can Adventist baptize someone who has died, on their behalf?

No, you have to make the commitment and act for yourself. You cannot make that choice for someone who is living or deceased.

What do other religions believe about Baptism and how do they practice?

Being cleansed through water into a specific religion is fairly common. 

The Amish religion is one of the more similar to Adventist of them. The Amish practice baptism in adulthood instead of newborn child youngster baptism. This is strikingly similar to Adventism. 

Methodists acknowledge that Baptism grants the holy recognition of salvation, calling of sureness, and is a commencement into the Christian family. All Methodists, including Wesleyans, Joined Brethren, and the African Episcopal Methodist Church, use drenching, submersion, or maligning and submerge babies.

United Church of Christ claims that Baptism is done at the time of attestation and gathering into the church. Kids are baptized with sponsorship by guardians or family. It is generally performed by sprinkling.

Catholics baptize through water by sprinkling or drenching. Essential for salvation. Newborn children are “sanitized” through the water. 

Jehovah’s Witness does Baptism by submersion.  Baptism doesn’t wash down from transgression. Baby kids are not purified through water

Why do Adventists believe in Baptism?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual gave by the General Meeting of Seventh-day Adventists, irrefutably imparts that Baptism follows forgiveness of sins. Meaning that you must show repentance before baptism. Baptism is not automatic forgiveness. 

Item 5 under “Urgent Convictions of Seventh-day Adventists” communicates that Baptism is a standard of the Christian church, the best structure being by drenching, and ought to follow repentance and forgiveness of sins. 

On page 49, The Manual notes that through guidance in the teachings of the church you will be guided through repentance and baptism. 

  1. Give affirmation of having encountered Jesus’ love 
  2. Enjoy commitment with Jesus 
  3. Make that commitment public by Baptism 
  4. Declare membership to the Adventist Church 

Ellen G. White backs rebaptism when individuals have fallen away from God and the church. This would be an option when an individual has left the church and lost themselves, then wants to publically recommit to Got and the church.  

Ellen G. White infers the careful planning of baptismal preparations and the obligations needed to be made before Baptism. 

There is a need for increasingly thorough planning regarding preparations for Baptism. They need more dedicated guidance than has generally been given them. Mrs. White not just underlines the group of doctrinal truth as being significant yet makes reference to, in detail, things that are here and there neglected:

  • wellbeing change
  • meaningful gifts
  • deliberate sympathy
  • evangelist work.

What does the bible say about Baptism?

The New Testament opens up with John the Baptist’s conduction mass open baptism in river Jordan. We read in Matthew 3:5-6 that they went out to Jerusalem, and all Judea and all the region surrounding Jordan were baptized. At the River Jordan, they confessed their wrongdoings. 

Here we see that repentance and affirmation of sins went before Baptism. Prophet John the Baptist expected those he purified through the water would emerge out of the water with a heart of repentance and love.

There was no church set up then. Therefore Baptism isn’t tied with church politics, rather, as a requirement for public display of rebirth. 

Some segments of Christianity practice newborn child baptisms and water sprinkling; these are not found in the pages of the bible. 

Precisely when Jesus came to John the Baptists at Jordan to be submersed, John wouldn’t baptize him. He argued that Jesus should be the one to baptize John. The reaction of the Jesus was  in Matthew 3:15 said unto him, “endure it to be so now: for subsequently, it becometh us to satisfy all righteousness.” Which is bible talk for, “please do this for me because it is the way it needs to be.”  From this exchange, we see another piece of what is Baptism. It’s fulfilling all righteousness.

Jesus prepared his disciples with these words, “And he revealed to them all to go into all the world, and talk the gospel to each animal.” 

Acts 16:15 gives a great example of how loving we are supposed to be around baptism. 

Bible Story Time

When Nicodemus came to Jesus by night to get some information about the kingdom of God, Jesus opened his eyes to this present reality. We read, Jesus watched out for that he Verily, Verily, a state unto you thee, next to a man be thought about water and of the soul, he can’t go into the kingdom of God as written in John 3:5. Again we see here what is Baptism. It’s a touch of the new birth (imagined again understanding)

Short Answer

Repentance and trust in Christ are required for Baptism.