What is the Great Controversy in Adventism?
The Great Controversy narrative portrays the history of humanity as a battle between Christ and Satan, ultimately triumph of good over evil
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The Great Controversy narrative portrays the history of humanity as a battle between Christ and Satan, ultimately triumph of good over evil
Adventists have a clear understanding of marriage and divorce, and their views are deeply rooted in biblical principles.
Adventists also hold a unique perspective on speaking in tongues, which is a controversial topic within the larger Christian community
Adventists approach jewelry from a biblical perspective and the teachings of one their founders and prophet Ellen G. White.
The Three Angels Messages are a central part of Adventist theology and serve as a call to action for Adventists.
Adventists believe in a dynamic and active God who is constantly communicating with His people through various means, one of which is prophecy.
Adventists, have a unique perspective on death and the afterlife that is based on their understanding of the Bible
Adventists believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.
The SDA church’s beliefs shape the Adventist understanding of human history and provide hope for the future.
In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, tithing is considered a spiritual practice that helps individuals to grow closer to God and to support the church’s mission.