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How to Make Money Working for The Church – With Examples

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A number of people can work for the church but it depends on the capacity, size and the budget of the church. The following are the types of work you can perform for the church.


If you want to make money working for the church, you can become a pastor whose basic function is to guide the worship services and serve the congregation by delivering sermons attuned with the religious beliefs of his church.


Adventist pastors earns a hefty income between the range $80,419 and $110,897 in a year. But the income hugely depends on various factors like education, degrees, certificates, experience in the field, additional skills, etc. A pastor searches for new members and trains and educates them to perform the same job.

Other than preaching, he ministers to the requirements of the people present in the congregation as well as to the society at large. He also offers funeral, wedding and counselling services to families at large.

View All Adventist Beliefs

Music Minister

The minister of music collaborates with the church sermons and the pastor to associate music with the words of worship during a sermon. The music minister rehearses, organizes and offers music to the congregation of the church.

The music minister earns an average income of $27,312 per year. They looks after the music department and is responsible to keep all the musical instruments of the church. Find our list of Adventist Musicians


The Adventist education system is the second largest in the world. There are schools, churches, and organizations in every country in the world. Meaning, you can most likely find a job in education.

Read All About Adventist Education here

Church Secretary

The work of a church secretary is to serve the church as an administrator to the church’s pastor. The role of a church secretary is similar to the regular secretary working in any company. The average salary of a church secretary is about $26,085 a year. She may perform some clerical tasks too, for the church staff including the pastors.

The secretary keeps full records of the membership rolls of the church and may also have to play the role of a financial secretary for the church if needed. The functions involve taking records of offerings and submitting them, generation of charitable gifts for funds and donations and also functioning with the existing budget committee.

Church Custodian

the sexton or a church custodian offers janitorial services. His duty is to keep the building and the grounds neat, clean and orderly, at all times. Whenever there is any important meeting, gathering or any special event in the church, his duty is to arrange the necessary furniture as requested. He also looks after the church’s cooling and heating system. The average income of a church custodian is $28447 per year. In case of large repairs, the work is usually done by others who are hired but a church custodian may have to do the painting and other small repairs of the church.

Church Volunteers

If you are looking for some part-time career, you can try to get valuable experience by volunteering your effort and time to the church. There is always excessive need of volunteers in churches. The volunteers have a variety of jobs to do such as teaching at a Sunday school, singing with the choir, or leading the young generation in to the right direction.

Volunteers can also take part in various social outreach programmes such as for Meals on Wheels, offering food at the homeless shelters and other charitable programs. This job is a good way for you to test yourself and check whether you are capable enough to work full-time at a church. More than often, volunteers do not earn any money but they may receive benefits or assistance from the church. However, some churches do pay their volunteers for some specific jobs but it depends completely on the ministry of the church.


ADRA International or simply ADRA is a charitable agency operated and run by the Adventist Churches. The objective of this agency is to provide disaster relief and development to every individual and society. A

DRA collaborates with different organisation, governments and communities to improve primary health facilities, food securities, economic development, basic education and emergency management. It serves every community without any discrimination on the ethical, religious or political grounds.


They pay special attention to the senior citizens, children and the ones suffering from disabilities. They also provide assistance in water and sanitation, HIV aids, education of women and children, and training and development of all people. View

The General Church

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has beliefs and faith similar to that of the Protestant Christianity. With a few teachings of the Adventist Church, the denomination believes in a number of distinct doctrines that separate the Adventism from the rest of the Christian churches.

No matter what the beliefs and doctrines of a church are, every church requires money to function and uses a system to accumulate funds and donations, either by circulating a plate during the service or collecting money in an offering box situated somewhere within the church. Generally, the money collected is spent on operating various expenses like payments made to the church staff or payments for the maintenance of the church, etc. A part of the money is also allocated for certain ministries of the church who serve the members of the church or the community. Some of the money is also kept aside for different social outreach programs.

When you get employed by a church or a non-profit ministry or even a diocese, you do not typically make money. Your sole job is not to sell stuff but to evangelize. In this process, you only depend on your generous donors who ultimately give you your funding.